VTech Safe and Sound Full Colour Video and Audio Baby Monitor


For curious toddlers. Pediapro3 toddler milk is suitable for children 12 months plus. Anmum pediapro3 is a formulated supplementary food for young children and is designed as a supplement to a normal diet, to address situations where intakes of energy and nutrients may not be adequate to meet an individual’s requirements.

Developed by paediatric nutrition specialists. From 12 months, your toddler’s an active little person – playing, exploring and getting up to mischief. So we’ve developed anmum pediapro3 with no added sugars, to make sure they’re getting the nutritional help they need to support their active bodies and minds.

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VTech Safe & Sound Full Colour Video and Audio Monitor gives you peace of mind, anywhere, anytime. From anywhere in the home, not only can you hear all of the special sounds your baby is making, you can see every move they make. With extended range, you can carry the parent unit with you everywhere you go, even out into your yard.

Our infrared LED lights on the baby unit make your baby fully visible both day and night. You can also soothe your baby from another room or even outside with our Talk-Back feature that turns the parent unit into a walkie-talkie device. The VTech monitor digitises and encrypts all transmissions for the ultimate privacy and security.

  • Transmitting up to 25 frames per second
  • Digital transmission providing superior security and sound quality – no annoying white noiseÂ
  • Automatic infrared night vision
  • Extended range
  • Zoom the camera from the parent unit
  • Two way communication between the two unitsÂ
  • Temperature Sensor
  • Adjustable Camera Lens