NUK Tooth & Gum Cleanser 50ml


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Even your baby´s first teeth need to be cared for! And the earlier you introduce your child to cleaning your teeth every day, the easier it will be for your little one to get used to this daily routine. The new toothpaste was made especially for the care and cleaning of your baby’s first little teeth:

  • Sugar-free
  • Without fluoride: also suitable for children who are given fluoride tablets
  • With enzymes that are also found in breast milk and which boost the mouth’s natural defences
  • Natural apple and banana flavour wins over even the most sceptical of little toothbrushers!

The NUK Tooth & Gum Cleanser: for healthy little teeth

  • Cleans the palate, gums and teeth
  • No fluoride – safe to swallow
  • With enzymes found in breast milk, which help to support the mouth’s natural defences
  • Natural apple-banana flavour